Cover Work CD and Music Titles

Album Cover Illustrations

Book Cover Illustration & Cover/ Title Designs

Book Cover Design & Illustration

CD Music Cover Illustration and Title Design.
The bottom cover art was for a tri-fold CD, and I did the illustration in 3D render of modeled landscape in Bryce 3D. Title design was in Photoshop, and I added clouds and photos of drums adding effects. The series of albums were very successful for the Gordons and we saw the covers in national parks and stores everywhere. Hundreds of thousands sold, so we know the covers worked well.

60th Anniversary Cover for FATE
Asked by the publisher to represent the many years of subjects published ranging from ghosts to aliens and all things strange, I did many different characters. Some I modeled in 3D like the Alien and the Robot. Others I did in Photoshop. The sky was from a 3D sky I did years earlier and had never used. The large triangular UFO was a popular theme around the time with many articles and sightings around the world, so was a good centerpiece.

General Graphic Design
I have done literally thousands of graphics designs over the years for press, web and media. Working for many clients and larger corporate employers and with the variety of applications I could not easily list, suffice it to say, I have probably done close to everything in graphic design. Before Pre-Press I would use conventional mediums, then as one of the first pre-press designers, using Ventura Publisher and Quark. Later as I worked for corporate projects I transitioned to web and software design media, but have retained capability for all.

Illustration for Book, Magazine, Institutional and Research
Starting with pen and ink, I have tried to master as many mediums as I could, but discovered that acrylic had an immediacy I found was both practical and challenging. My transition to electronic was a bit of a sad goodbye to paint and board, but opened new horizons and uncharted areas of exploration. I saw very early on that electronic/computer art was the future and took to it like the proverbial waterfowl to H20. I did my last full sized album cover in acrylic in 1992. From then on I was a digital illustrator proper.

Four of these illustrations are acrylic.
Can you tell wich ones are illustrated in Photoshop? So here you are witnessing why electronic art has taken the discipline over for the most part. If you can't tell, then why would you not find that practical? Well, I can say that if you miss the romantic routine of the painter, it will be painful. Yet if you are more interested in exploring the creative horizon of new possibilities visually, you will be too busy to look back very often.

Logo Design
Logos are bread and butter for a graphic designer, but not the easiest job. Identity is a careful combination of image, marketing and practical application. A logo need work in many situations ideally. While representing a character of a business, group, team, individual or corporate organization it must show the facing spirit to markets and audiences effectively from a businesscard to a billboard. I have done hundreds over the years for every type of client. I will do hundreds more. One day hopefully I will get good at it. But I know too much about what a good logo is to think I have done it right more than a dozen times. At least to my standards.

Magazine Cover llustration
I love the format, size and editorialized subjects you find in magazine cover work. I could do this the rest of my life and be satisfied creatively. It is like painting fine art. That's why many famous painters moonlighted or otherwise survived their artistic passions through cover work. Its as close to painting fine art as you can get commercially. The variety of subject and ways of expressing in style has always been most satisfying to me.

Photography by Garret Moore
I have been a photographer since college, developing my own work and printing as well, but later when digital photography was just getting going I got my first digital camera. I finally sold my SLR last year, still working perfect, but with film and printing an expence I did not need, as I did this myself anyway. I got my first true Digital SLR in 2005 when they were new.
I've created many thousands of images in many subjects from nature to general and even astro photography all archived that are an endless source of imagery I can repurpose. If I was not an illustrator, I would be a photographer, but if no camera is around, I can illustrate! I'm a double Gemini, so there are even two more of me.

Bus Wrap Design
I flew to Las Vegas and spent a few days photographing the strip, flew home and did a composite illustration for the client. It was a hot time of the year and lugging tripod and cameras for the few miles from location to location was a good way to loose weight.

Product design Illustration
When the manufacturer needs to see what his product will look like and needs designs for labels and packaging I create the product before it exists. These journal designs were two of many I did for Traffic Works inc.
When the manufacturer needs to see what his product will look like and needs designs for labels and packaging I create the product before it exists. These journal designs were two of many I did for Traffic Works inc.

Product design Illustration
When the manufacturer needs to see what his product will look like and needs designs for lables and packaging I create the product before it exists. These designs were two of many I did for Traffic Works Inc.

e_Sill Packaging Design
Packaging I designed for retail sales of smartphone and tablet stands.

Orbital Crop Growth Visualization
I did many illustrations for NASA of these concepts based on their designs, and was told even though I had not seen the projects in anything but drawings and drafts, I gave them new ideas. They called my illustrations "Visual Test Beds" as I was truly contributing to the research with concepts I needed to add for a complete image.

Medicine Wheel
Book inside full page illustration in pen & Ink & Acrylic

Runner's Trophy
A book illustration in pen & ink, and acrylic.

Altered States The Northern Lines
A fine art illustration with acrylic on 4-ply Rag Board, from a series.

Book Cover Illustrations and Title Design
Illustration and type design in Photoshop.

Book Cover Illustrations and Title Design
Illustration and type design in Photoshop.

Conventional Acrylic on Illustration Board. I invented a 2-point perspective method with wide-flat computer cables and was able to do this view perspective as I had envisioned.

Product Illustration
Conventional brush, airbrush illustration for a product idea.

SETI Slide Illustration
Illustration for a SETI slide presentation for the Hayden Planetarium show on aliens by Seth Showstak, this showing an impossible sized alien bug who I would show in a later illustration would collapse and be crushed under it's own weight. At least that was the copy. Starship Troopers the movie had been playing then, and I think SETI was showing how it woud not be possible for such to exist. I personally think the universe is big enough for such, but it was not my show.

Triream Greek Fighting Ship
3D texturing

Dance of Light
Fine Art Illustration in Acrylic

Subatomic Particles illustration for theory article

Magazine Cover Illustration
Magical Bled Magazine cover illustration for their features on Sustainability. Photo composite and photoillistration have always been water to my creative duck. As an illustrator I can realize an idea and capture it in a realism that satisfies me and the client.