Photo composite and graphics work. My lake Berryessa photo with Piano and actual Beethoven manuscript sky music. Done for San Francisco Chamber Orchestra fund raising and series performances.

FATE MAGAZINE Jim Morrison Portrait

Bus Wrap Design

Magical Blend Magazine Cover Illustration.

Book Cover Design, Titles, Imagery and Design

Music CD Packaging Design
Best New Age Cover of the Year

Video Package Design

DVD Packaging Design

Digital Illustration 1984 for Corporate Report
3rd Place International Design Award from Siggraph 1985

ULV (Unmanned Launch Vehicle) Illustration (Acrylic) 1986)
Used for cover issue #1 of Space News Weekly

Book Cover Design

2008 MUFON Symposium Masthead Design
3D modeling of Earth and Logo

Acrylic on Masonite

Wirikuta Twilight
Acrylic on Board. This was a commission for Floating Lotus Gallery in San Francisco. It depicts the spirit of a Huichol Mirikame (Shaman) dancing with spirits of Peyote in the sacred place called Wirikuta in the northern Chihuahua area of Mexico where each year the Huichole people journey from high mountains 300 miles to collect the Peyote, do ceremony and return to the tribe of sacred artists to do ritual ceremony high in the Sierra Oriental mountains where they went to survive from the Spanish invasion. I was honored to know a Mirikame named Jose Benitez Sanchez as we sold their beautiful art from their tribe in our gallery. I sent him cards and prints of my art to each other and he sent back a Black Eagle feather used in ritual for me. I gave it to my wife as I could not legally own the feather but she could with her native american blood as a Cherokee. An honor I will always treasure.

A self portrait in acrylic.
This was used for an Isacc Asimove book of astronomy, but the intent was to show how sacred the work I was doing was to me, much like those who hundreds of thousands of years ago recorded the events and spiritual life they had. My intent as an artist is to do lasting imagery that educates, inspires and demonstrate a more natural spiritual path I feel as an artist is my life work.